Descriptive writing essays
Ielts Academic Essay Samples
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Gender of Power: Latin American Dictatorship
Since the beginning men, ladies and youngsters have been dependent upon unforgiving ruler-transport, by and large under a male centric framework. With the development of a female job in one of the most pined for despot positions, one would pose the inquiry: Is feminized power less merciless? In Gabriel Garcia Marquez's â€Å"Big Mama's Funeral†we discover that albeit a female has stepped in to the workplace of a pioneer, her capacity is as yet manhandled and abused like some other. Latin American history has demonstrated to be one of the most rich as far as poor usage of riches and influence. We have additionally discovered that man or lady can endeavor in the job of a pioneer, and that devotees will pay pitilessly for the basic actuality of living and being. Large Mama is the living evidence that force is genderless. The way of life lead by a despot as incredible as Big Mama herself is very devouring paying little heed to her sexual orientation. The security of her realm and her fortunes were her prime worries, alongside the affirmation of her matriarchal unbending nature. Her supreme force ruled over the realm, butchering any who restricted her and each individual living inside her realm needed to take care of their obligations. Occupants even trusted Big Mama â€Å"was the proprietor of the waters, running and still†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , even the â€Å"air they breathed†. She was the most extravagant and most impressive lady on the planet, albeit nobody knew the specific estimation of her bequest. She was considered by the vast majority of the occupants as unfading, to them, she was greater than life itself. Her harsh sway was addressed by none. Her family comprised of animal and steadfast warriors who followed all her orders beyond a shadow of a doubt. She had assembled a fence to additionally ensure her and her assets. The land which she involved had been passed down from age to age. Enormous Mama had been â€Å"Macondo's focal point of gravity†, as had her siblings, her folks and the guardians of her folks previously, in a predominance â€Å"which secured two centuries.†She accepted she would live well over a hundred years as did her maternal grandma. The idea of inciting passing in Big Mama was let go as the majority of her clan individuals were genuine adherents to her. In spite of the fact that she was dastardly and steady, she attempted to maintain a high-class and good picture of herself, dissimilar to numerous other unrefined leaders of her time. She was undependable and everybody knew it, however nobody could ever move toward her in dread of what she may do to them on the off chance that she discovered they knew. In grieved times, Big Mama contributed covertly for â€Å"weapons for her partisans†, however went to the guide of her casualties openly. That energetic enthusiasm â€Å"guaranteed the most elevated distinctions for her.†Big Mama was an ace of disguising her threatening vibe and she was glad for the way that she could. The force put resources into a lady, for example, Big Mama could persuade that position, by man or lady could be merciless. Its absolutely impossible of deciding if either could deliver pretty much fierceness. This sort of intensity could take care of anybody and would frighten even the harshest of pundits. Huge Mama ruled over the city of Macondo with a chilly heart and a solid handle. Her relatives bolstered all her choices in conviction it was in the entirety of their eventual benefits, they were genuine devotees. Her mental self view was so god-like, she could never come to acknowledgment that each one who knew her in truth detested her.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Goldman Sachs Fraud Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Goldman Sachs Fraud Case - Research Paper Example Goldman Sachs Fraud Case Introduction Goldman Sachs swindled financial specialists by neglecting to uncover the clear irreconcilable situation on contract speculation it glided as the lodging market got harsh. The charges that were presented by the Securities Exchange Commission against Goldman Sachs contended for unlawful activity and extortion in the exchanging of harmful subprime contract subsidiary protections. By the by, Goldman Sachs avowed that they were just after ordinary strategic approaches and had not submitted any off-base. The Goldman Sachs extortion case evoked basic issues focusing on the insufficiency of the speculation banking rehearses, and brought up the issue whether it is an instance of tricky or untrustworthy conduct (Craig and Scannell, 2010). The three-month legitimate experience deleted near $20billion of the firm’s financial exchange esteem. An exuberant open conversation that followed the charge of Goldman Sachs by SEC focused on whether Goldman Sac hs, comprehensively saw as an epitome of air pocket time insatiability, was likewise a criminal. Questions exuded on whether Goldman financiers justified judgment for purposely misusing the naivety of speculators to pick up from the exchanging of obligation instruments that were wagers on a market Goldman Sachs was destined to fall (Whalen and Bhala, 2011). In spite of the fact that the exchange involved in the SEC’s claim can be viewed as little by Goldman Sachs’ norms, its course of action insinuates profound inquiries in regards to the issue of the banks in driving up a market inside home loan inferred protections that waited for all intents and purposes slanted to implosion (Buell, 2011). The SEC was asking whether Goldman Sachs picked up from the two sides in a manner that negated their trustee commitment to their clients. The SEC guaranteed that speculators basically lost over $1billion dollars and that Paulson’s short choice obligation instrument on the c redit instrument determined a benefit of more than $1billion (Jones, 2010). Email traffic called attention to that Tourre in addition to others knew about the subprime setback as ahead of schedule as January 2007 preceding the emergency turned out to be all out. The SEC looked for a limitation, spewing of benefits, and endorses with respect to intrigue and common money related punishments (Craig and Scannell, 2010). Notwithstanding these charges, criminal investigators were investigating whether Goldman Sachs or its workers perpetrated protections misrepresentation concerning the firm’s contract exchanging. #1 The Fraud Goldman’s case involved four types of protections that all assumed a few jobs in the midst of the 2008 budgetary downturn: first, the private home loan sponsored protections (RMBS) exemplifying a type of security got from pooling of home loans on private land into bonds; a credit-default trade (CDS) speaking to a type of protection strategy; a collatera lized obligation commitment (CDO) speaking to an obligation security collateralized by obligation commitment; and, manufactured CDO’s (SCDOs) proportionate to normal to customary CDOs barring that speculators own CDOs on genuine protections as opposed to the genuine protections themselves. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documented a common extortion charge against Goldman Sachs and Co, also its VPs for misrepresentation for distorting data implied for speculators by misquoting key realities in regards to a money related item associated with subprime contracts at a second when the lodging market inside the United States began to disintegrate and lose esteem (Buell, 2011).â
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Doing Sales the Old Fashioned Way. Yup its Cold Calling.
Doing Sales the Old Fashioned Way. Yup it’s Cold Calling. The Dreaded Cold Call Does the very phrase “cold calling†send shivers down your spine? A September 2014 Forbes article, 10 Sales Techniques To Never Cold Call Again, notes that “cold calling is a dreaded and daunting task that strikes fear down the backs of even the most fearless of marketers.†I’m not a stranger to cold calling. As a fairly new college graduate, I worked at the Volunteer Legal Services in Oakland, CA, where part of my job was to call attorneys and ask them to accept pro bono cases. Most of them said no. But since then, I’ve had very little need to cold callâ€"and frankly have avoided it, believing that it was simply inefficient. When Mark, one of my first unofficial business coaches, yelled at me because I wasn’t making enough cold calls to drum up business, I blatantly ignored him. Nothing Else is Working! When the print version of my book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, became available in November 2015, I had a dream that the book would be snapped up by every college bookstore in the country. But I soon faced the harsh reality that this was not happeningâ€"not even slightly. Without a publisher and its attendant publicity machine, I had a challenge: How would I let college bookstores know about the availability of my book? One thing was for sure: My dream would not be realized if I didn’t do something. I reached out to my resources for help. A friend who has connections to college career services failed to return my emails and phone calls. “Contact the National Association of College Bookstores (NACS),†said my business coach. So I contacted NACS and discovered, after 3 months of waiting, that “We don’t have a good means of single title promotion.†I tried going to the marketing department at the distributor of my book (Ingram), who came back with, “It would be up to you as the ‘publisher’ to promote and market your book and direct people to our distribution partners to place an order.†Gee thanks. Biting the Bulletâ€"Picking Up the Phone Finally, it got through my thick skull that there was no easy way to do this. So I started cold calling. First, I walked into the University of Wisconsin Bookstore in my home town of Madison. They ordered two copies. Encouraged, I called the Yale Bookstore (my alma mater). They ordered two copies too! Not only that, but the Barnes Noble in Madison was happy to order a couple of copies for their shelves! I called some more college bookstores. Some of them said no. Others, to my great joy, said yes! Here’s where my book will be carried as of this writing: Yale University NYU University of Wisconsin-Madison (downtown and Hilldale) University of Chicago Evergreen State College Alabama University Iowa State University University of Utah Barnes Noble, East Towne Mall, Madison, WI Here I was looking for a broad solution that would not require the work of making individual phone calls to individual bookstores. I was so stuck in thinking there must be a better way that I missed out on the opportunity to do it the old fashioned way. Once I started calling, I started getting results. Of course I can’t possibly call every book store in the country and ask them to carry my book. But I can call a lot of them, and if people buy the book, at some point I trust the balance will tip. Coach Mark, if you’re reading this, guess what?! I’m making cold calls. And it’s working. If you like How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile and want to see the print book in your local Barnes Noble or other bookstore, please let them know about it and let me know if I can add to the above list! And if there’s a situation in your life where you’re waiting for a magical solution, maybe that solution is simply picking up the phone, and dialing.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Why I Don t Be Fully Prepped And Ready For Residents
William froze. He stared at the ground blankly as the darkest of all thoughts crossed his mind. â€Å"What wrong, Dad?†â€Å"All right, now you two need to listen to me carefully and do exactly what I say. Starting right now, you need to begin prepping the bunker as quickly and quietly as possible. Stow as many provisions as you can fit in there. Think in terms of what we will need to survive for years, not weeks. That bunker needs to be fully prepped and ready for residents immediately.†â€Å"Why? What’s happening, Dad? You’re scaring the shit out of me.†â€Å"I don’t have time to explain. Just get to work,†William said. William walked inside the farmhouse and retrieved a pen and a piece of paper. On the paper, he wrote fifteen names. He handed the paper to James. â€Å"What’s this?†James asked. â€Å"I want everyone on that list to meet tonight in the cider mill. Tell them to pack clothes and keepsakes, not too much, just the essentials.†James looked at the list, and then looked at his father. â€Å"Everyone?†James asked incredulously. â€Å"Yes, everyone. Now get working.†James and Crocco walked off the front porch and jogged towards the cider mill. William walked to his office on the second floor. He turned on his computer and prayed for the satellite uplink to connect him to the internet. William fist-pumped under his desk when the connection opened and a young woman’s face appeared on the screen. â€Å"Good Evening, Mr. Blake. I’m Charlotte, concierge 4576, how do you fare?†â€Å"Hale and hearty, hearty
Friday, May 8, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 1110 Words
I don’t know how I got to where I am, but I’m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape. That’s the thing, though: I don’t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doubled over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. Just as it was about to appear, I saw a box underneath a table, in a room that looked like the living room. I quickly grabbed the box and, as it appeared, I slammed my fist down on the button on top of the box. As a large plume of smoke erupted from the box, I figured I had a chance to run. I took this chance to run back to where my friends were, though when I got there, all that happened was my friends and I crouching over in pain, holding our heads again. This time there wasn’t anyt hing I could use to escape. Now I was curled up on the floor waiting for this thing to eat me, as it was kneeling over my trembling body. I saw a glowing green necklace around his neck , and I thought that this was my ticket to escape. I grabbed the necklace, brought my leg up and kicked it’s torso as hard as I could. I held the necklace, grabbed my friends and somehow teleported out and back to the military base where we worked. Now that I had a chance to calm down, I looked at the necklace. It was a 1787 penny with it’sShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1102 Words  | 5 PagesIt is on days like this when we stop to think about our life. Small drops of rain begin to dapple the cobblestone pavement as people whip out their umbrellas for cover. I continue sauntering down the busy street, relishing the feeling of a light shower. Moving with the mass of pedestrians, I stop at a crosswalk where I wait for the stoplight to turn green. A flower shop emp loyee across the street scurries to bring in the numerous bouquets and close the doors as rain starts rolling down the displayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing914 Words  | 4 PagesDreamy I thought. Standing on the corner is a young guy with a smile. I see him here almost every day, so I linger for a while. He tells me his name, and I tell him mine. I m Ester, what s your name? I enquired. My names David .,He replied. We end up talking for a while and I asked him if he had ever left this city. He tells me of all these stories of the places where he s been, the distant lakes and mountains, and in valleys oh so green. I can see it in his eyes, he really has beenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing974 Words  | 4 Pages I was used to moving round, having a mother who liked to travel more than making roots was something I had gotten used to. Still, I had never gotten used to the loneliness of an empty house when she was out exploring, or the feeling of leaving behind someone who could have meant something to me. Our most recent move was Oregon. It was pretty, and I didn’t mind it, but it was much different than Florida. Not only was it opposite sides of the country, it felt as if it were opposite worlds. InRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1012 Words  | 5 Pageshave plenty of time in the next month to think about my feeling in regards to Kendrick. I needed to finish up the article and get it off to my editor. I should be able to get it done by tonight and send an email in the morning. I was thinking of writing my next article about the sea life around the Scottish coast. Since our salmon dinner last evening I thought I would do a piece about the commercial salmon farming that began in Scotland in 1969. In 2002 over 145,000 metric tons of farmed AtlanticRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1561 Words  | 7 PagesThere’s something I need to say and what follows may not be something that you’d expect, it won’t be heartening or uplifting. If you remember today, I told you about going somewhere I wanted to go to†¦ I’m not sure if you believed and accepted what I now confess as untrue; it is partly. I needed to pull away emo tionally†¦ from you. You must have had fathomed that some degree of formality had seeped between us. Born of habit, formulaic greetings had become a routine. You presume that I’m a close friendRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1387 Words  | 6 PagesI was wearing a beautiful blue dress with sapphire gems all around the chest area as I entered the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. I took a good look around here, the hallway was lined with gold. There was a servant ready to escort us to the ball room. Hello, come this way. He said, walking forward. Wow, this place is so fancy! I exclaimed, looking around. It s fake gold. Ciel bluntly replied, bringing my hopes down. I sighed. Ciel sounded like he wasn t in a very good mood. Ciel, lightenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1287 Words  | 6 Pages In the morning, Caireann woke me up. She stood above my bed, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, looking at her. Then I looked across the room to her empty bed. Andy s empty bed sat in the corner. I swallowed, climbing out of bed. Sleep well? Caireann asked me, starting out the door. Yeah, I said, going over to our small dresser. I had the bottom two drawers. Andy had the middle two, and Caireann had the top. I pulled open the drawers, pulling on a colorful tank top and a grayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1345 Words  | 6 PagesLater that night, I was behind the wheel of my G-Wagon with Melissa in the passenger seat. She didn’t feel like driving since she was on the road all day and I understood so I didn’t mind when she asked me to. I had been tight-lipped. She kept eyeballing me as if she detected that something was bothering me but I just kept singing to my India Arie as if I was carefree. â€Å"So are you going to tell me what’s going on or no†Melissa said disrupting my own personal concert. I stopped singing and tookRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1085 Words  | 5 PagesI WAS SITTING IN a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening, when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster. It was just after dark. A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trashRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing930 Words  | 4 PagesI couldn’t imagine that I would have ever seen a tractor flying through the air, let alone a tractor landing just inches away from the room where my family was taking shelter. All of those childhood memories just gone just like that. My little sister Harper was crying to my mother saying â€Å"Mommy Mommy can it stop can it stop?†she wailed. I know this might seem crazy but that moment it just felt like time paused. And then my mother was crying to my father saying â€Å"Honey we lost her!†my mother cried
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mexico’s largest cement manufacturer Free Essays
Cemex, has become a global powerhouse In the cement and construction Industry. It currently controls 60 percent of the cement industry in Mexico (Hill 2009). Cemexs success is a result of a combination of efficient technology such as radio transmitters, satellites, and computer hardware that allow the company to anticipate changes in supply and demand and reduce waste. We will write a custom essay sample on Mexico’s largest cement manufacturer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cemex’s success is also a result of an attempt to dominate the industry by acquiring and buying out competitors worldwide In order to expand. . Which heoretical explanation, or explanations, of FDI best explains Cemex’s FDI? I believe that Internalization theory best explains Cemex’s FDI because Cemex has taken the initiative to enter into many countries and instead of licensing; they bought domestic cement businesses and have grown into a worldwide powerhouse. According to the textbook, internalization theory explains why firms often prefer foreign direct investment over licensing as a strategy for entering foreign markets (Hill 2009). With the advanced technology that Cemex uses, so licensing would not be the greatest venue for the company to take In order to protect It’s â€Å"technological know-how’ (Hill 2009). b. What Is the value that Cemex brings to the host economy? Can you see any potential drawbacks of inward investment by Cemex in an economy? Cemex is the third largest cement company in the world, and a powerhouse in Mexico where it controls 60 percent of the market. Cemex is highly focused on efficient manufacturing and customer service. Distributors are rewarded for their sales, as are users. The primary benefit Cemex brings to host countries Involves these competltlve advantages. Cemex acquires companies and then transfers technological, management, and marketing know-how to the new units. Improving their performance. The company has brought several acquired companies back to full production, increasing employment opportunities in the host country as well. c. Cemex has a strong preference for acquisitions over greenfield ventures as an entry mode. Why? Cemex has successfully acquired established cement makers in many countries. By acquiring companies rather than establishing them from the ground up, Cemex can avoid some of the delays that could occur in the start-up phase, while t the same time, capitalize on the benefits of an established market presence. Acquiring other businesses is effective because the host economy already knows the demographics and the market. Cemex would be able to make the business better with their technology and research. A Greenfield venture would be risky and not cost effective. d. Why is majority control so important to Cemex? Majority control is important to Cemex because of the ability to Implement its policy of transferring resources. When It does not have majority control It may not be able to transfer its own managing resources to newly acquired companies. Also, Cemex ight want to take advantage of differences in factor costs across countries, so it will be allowed to import parts from other places to reduce costs. References Hill, C. W. L. , Richardson, T. , ; McKaig, T. (2009). Global business today. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. BUSN 427 WEEK 3 Case study By Jihadmalley Mexico’s largest cement manufacturer, Cemex, has become a global powerhouse in the cement and construction industry. It currently controls 60 percent of the cement industry in Mexico (Hill 2009). Cemex’s success is a result of a combination of acquiring and buying out competitors worldwide in order to expand. a. Which hat internalization theory best explains Cemex’s FDI because Cemex has taken the avenue for the company to take in order to protect it’s â€Å"technological know-how’ (Hill 2009). . What is the value that Cemex brings to the host economy? Can you see any are users. The primary benefit Cemex brings to host countries involves these competitive advantages. Cemex acquires companies and then transfers technological, management, and marketing know-how to the new units, improving Majority control is important to Cemex because of the ability to implement its policy of transferring resources. When it d oes not have majority control it may not be able How to cite Mexico’s largest cement manufacturer, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Review Essay Example
The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Review Paper Essay on The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Everyone remembers hope Prilepina as I still do not like anybody! And his new book not talk about Russian literature, but with Russian literature. Thirty writers (Nemzer when was your list of worthy, too used this magic number thirty) came to tell about the time and about himself. They are people of different generations, they are from 27 to 70. For each we learn that they feel the need to say, in these terse words the countrys history, the literature, the human soul, which is perhaps the more interesting stories of a kind in fact, almost all the writers, poets and critics. whose names are on the ear, give interviews, which say, to paraphrase Stanislavsky, currently in Leith Aturi and literature in itself. All of them, of course, people are different: someone very is serious (Rubanov even religious is serious), someone like Vodennikov jokes (invents a biography, explains why beauty his curse; argues that the poet a BIRD ). Prilepin invited me to only those who are interested in it, so all the loyal, nice, trying to be serious, if it is, of course, succeed. Interview extremely short, so do not have time to be tired from any of the guests. All have different attitudes to the literary process, but believe that it has a future. If you consider that I, a teacher of literature, half of the names are not known, then for some reason they do not really believe it. A legitimate readers question: I do not whether our brother fool the reader? We will write a custom essay sample on The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The birthday of the heart. Discussions with the Russian literature Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Read learn. A Prilepin again good! People he really likes, especially writers!
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